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Project 4th edition 2 - Student's Book

Tom Hutchinson



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Skladom: 0 ks
Číslo produktu: 9780194764568
Rok vydania: 2013
EAN kód: 9780194764568
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naša cena bez DPH : 17,03 EUR
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18,73 EUR
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Autor: Tom Hutchinson
Vydavateľstvo: Oxford University Press
Rozsah: 87 strán
ISBN: 978-0-19-476456-8
Project fourth edition maintains the structure that teachers know and love from previous editions. Every unit includes a Culture page where students learn about different aspects of the culture of English Speaking countries and compare it with their own; English Across the curriculum pages which provide an opportunity for students to learn about other subjects in English, including Geography, Maths, Science, and History; Revision pages to review the language and vocabulary students have learnt in the unit; and Project pages where students can put everything they have learnt into practice and create a project.The Project pages have been updated for the fourth edition and each project now focuses on a particular skill that students will need to complete the project. These include, Getting information, working together, and presenting.There are also more communication and multi-skill exercises in the Student's Book to help prepare students for using English in the real world.


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